Induction to quality (for anybody)

Induction to quality (for anybody)

Management et Softs-Skills
session formation
3 heures
sur inscription
Date prochaine session
Nb places dispo.
Accueil | Formations | Management et Encadrement | Induction to quality (for anybody)

Public ciblé

Anyone wishing to understand the fundamentals of quality and the company's internal organisation


Create anchor and action points in the field of quality
Provide participants with a new compass for:
- Adopt standardised, shared working methods with a view to improving effectiveness and efficiency
- Take action on a day-to-day basis thanks to new perspectives
- Facilitate the emergence of a culture of continuous improvement
- Being able to implement or apply a strategy for the common good
- etc.
Develop intra- or inter-departmental or even employee-to-employee cooperation processes
Facilitate modes of communication
Supporting the implementation of company operational action plans

Contenu de la formation

- Concepts: management, management systems, standards and quality, etc.
- Some everyday life useful concepts and tools: PDCA, 5W, RACI, prioritisation, ...
- The allegory of the cake: an everyday example of how to translate quality concepts
- Understanding a simple process through examples
- The concept of service quality
- How to work according to quality principles
- Performance
Inscrivez vous à cette formation dès maintenant en quelques clics


Référence : M4220
Effectif max : 20 participants
Langue(s) proposée(s) : EN
Tarif : 300,00 € HTVA
Pris en charge par la cotisation CDEC* : NON
*salariés soumis à la cotisation CDEC selon RGD du 18/12/2019

Accès au lieu de formation

Institut de formation sectoriel du batiment SA.
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