Grow the City Training

Learn how to design, build, and manage your own circular urban farm.

Grow the City Training

session formation
7.5 jours
sur inscription
Date prochaine session
Nb places dispo.
Accueil | Formations | Management et Encadrement | Grow the City Training

Public ciblé

Who should attend ?

This training is open to anyone concerned about the design, the construction or the management of urban farms, as urban developpers, real estate, public authorities, municipalities, architects, engineers, constructors, urban farmers.


What is Grow the City training?

Grow the city is dedicated to empowering urban development stakeholders with the necessary knowledge and skills to embrace circular urban agriculture through:

- Online and on site training modules
- ​​Learning from experts and professionals
- Networking with peers

​This combination ensures that you receive a well-rounded education that encompasses both theoretical knowledge and practical experience !

- For the customer: to be able to develop efficient and circular urban agriculture in its real estate project.
- For the Main Contractor: to be able to take into account all the ins and outs of integrating an urban agricutre into a building project.
- For the farmer, to be able to choose the right equipment and crops to ensure agricultural production in line with the business plan.

**This 2025 edition starts in February and is free of charge thanks to Interreg NWE funds.​
Grow the City training program, developed as part of the CUF Training project, is an initiative aimed at promoting the transition to a circular and resource-efficient economy in North-West Europe.**

>>Grow the City - flyer<<

Contenu de la formation

- Business models: discover strategies that balance profitability with social and ecological targets, and learn from failures stories.
- Eco-friendly construction: get an insight about the integration of greenhouses or other production infrastructures in urban buildings using recyclable and reusable materials following the cradle-to-cradle approach, and learn how to use the city to maximize agriculture: rainwater from rooftops, waste energy, etc.
- Innovative growing systems: explore new systems as hydroponics, aquaponics, soil-based systems and Integrated Food and Energy Systems (IFES), that emphasize productivity and low environmental impact.
- Circular principles: learn how to minimize waste, reduce energy inputs, and implement sustainable farming practices.
- Energy & water management: learn the basics of efficient energy and water use and the underlying rules and principals of resource and food system design to enhance the farm's sustainability.

Validation de la formation

Theoretical exam

>>Download Program details <<


Inscrivez vous à cette formation dès maintenant en quelques clics

Durée de la formation

60 heures


Référence : M4218
Effectif max : 100 participants
Langue(s) proposée(s) : EN;FR;DE
Tarif : 0,00 € HTVA
Pris en charge par la cotisation CDEC* : NON
*salariés soumis à la cotisation CDEC selon RGD du 18/12/2019

Accès au lieu de formation

Institut de formation sectoriel du batiment SA.
En train + navette :
Gare de Bettembourg, une navette directe et gratuite vous amène devant le bâtiment
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